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HARD DAYS My life with a neurodegenerative disease

The next 74 short films show all exercises which and how I perform them. I have divided the exercises into groups according to my experience and order of performing them. Professional trainers would probably find objections to this classification, but it based on the group of muscles exercised:


a) Leg exercises

b) Arm exercises

c) Neck exercises

d) Balance exercises

e) Walking exercises

f) Exercises on the floor

g) Speech exercises

h) Eye exercises

i) Swallowing exercises


All the details and descriptions of the listed exercises can be found in the book: HARD DAYS PSP-My Journey (Hard Days: My life with neurodegenerative disease: Lugovic, Dr Branko: Books)

Presenting my personal experience in this book, as well as my thoughts, I am not offering advice or medical instructions about the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases. For this, patients should consult their doctors who will undertake medical examinations and prescribe the appropriate therapies.

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